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Artist, animator, filmmaker..Is there anything this man can't do? Yes. Lots.

Age 30, Male



Joined on 2/27/08

Exp Points:
4,450 / 4,900
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.24 votes
Pvt. First Class
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:



-BBS Posts-
Well, you have a decent amount, which is not always a good thing, but coupled with the quality of your posts, it certainly is. Your posts are very helpful, whilst encorporating humour too, which is great :) My only criticism is that they could be a bit longer, but moost of them are fine.

Plentiful, and very good. A bit more structure would be nice, but not compulsory. The voting details are an odd touch, but I like them.

-News Posts-
They are fairly long, but they all seem to be about Daft Punk..? It's a shame that you deleted the one about what you think of people, as it was my favourite..

Level 22 (one of my favourites), Deity Whistle, Private. I think they're great. However, from the NGPD, I know that your B/P rate isn't great, but I also know that you're having problems IRL, so maybe that's the cause. Hoep you sort out your issues btw.

Well, I'm not a big fan of sprites, but you do it in style. I loved Skittles 'n' Dicks, it was great! I think the scores say it all, along with the 4 trophies. Excellent work!


Just know I'm currently thinking of something of something to put in so it just says under construction at the moment.

-BBS Posts-
Plentiful, decent lengths, and fairly insightful. Some of them are short and there seems to be little thought put into them, but most of them are great!

I'm impressed. There are plenty of them, and they're all giving contructive criticism in some way, except for those which need none. A few too many 10s for my liking, but that's a personal preference..

-News Posts-
If you're not prepared to write everything up yet, don't make all the posts. It's just repetetive and boring.

Great work, except for the Garbage Whistle.

Pretty dull, if I may be so bold. Your newer one is OK, but not really my cup of tea.

I know I suck :'(

-BBS Posts-
Woah. Really long, really insightful, and overall, great! I can't fault you.

Your audio reviews are definitely the longest I've seen, and both your Flash and Audio reviews are full of quality. The only problem is that you don't review that often anymore. :(

-News Posts-
Up until the last post, they weren't anything special, but the newest one certainly is! It's been going since October last year, and is constantly expanding. Awesome!

Well, I can't really say much. They're almost perfect, for the amount of time you've been on NG. The only thing I could say is "HA! I have more posts than you!", but I won't say that..

Usually when I'm doing one of these, I actually go onto the user's Flash + Audio pages, but I don't have to for you, because I'm already listening to "Clo". Excellent work all round. :)

in every instance.... im curious to find out....

go! :D

-BBS Posts-
Not bad. You don't have many posts, but most of them are over 1 line, so that's always a plus! Maybe try branching out, not just staying in Flash all the time..

You certainly have a lot, and they're quite good. Some are just quoting the flash, and saying you liked it, which is pretty annoying though..

-News Posts-
Well, they're fairly long, and actually have a subject, unlike many people Good job!

Considering you've been on since 20006, and are only Level 19, I feel you could do better. However, not everyone loves stats, and I respect that. However, I do :3

There's some really good stuff there. I loved your Pico Day flash :)

I once found a rabbit playing an acoustic guitar in my front yard.

-BBS Posts-
You only have 43. At some point on the first page, you posted the same picture (it was big as well) 3 times in a row. I believe that is picture spamming, and is a bannable offense.

You have a decent amount, but loads of them are just "This is good, keep it up". Try to add more. What did you think was good about it?

-News Posts-
They aren't bad. Fairly normal posts. Good enough

You've been on since '07, and you're only level 13. You could do better.

16 Second Bliss was vaguely funny, but nothing amazing. You have potential.


-BBS Posts-
Not enough of them..A bit short too..

Some were good, some were bad..Try not to only review 10s.

-News Posts-
Nothing out of the ordinary..Fairly average stuff, y'know..

A bit dull really..Normal whistle,civilian..I could get to Level 9 in a few months, you've been on for over a year..

You have none :/

Starownage3 says that you put his WALK! peace into the WALK! and DANCE!

No, I put his walk piece into WALK! and his dance piece into DANCE!

As you'd expect.

I hate you.

Uuh, why?


-BBS Posts-
Try to do more than just staff threads and the LUL Lists. Also, it appears a bit spammy to post in P-Bots thread every day..

Both are good, but your audio reviews are better than your flash reviews. However, try to make everything a bit longer..

-News Posts-
You only have one main one, but that's seriously awesome. Well done!

Pretty phenomenal to be honest. You must have one oof the best B/P rates around..

Not really liking those Clock Day flashes. The NG Character Quiz was good though..I like your music..

how now brown cow

You're an awesome animator.

I haven't got time to write anything long.

What about me?

You're really good at animating.

I haven't got time to write anything long.

Bleh to all.

Why so hateful?

I haven't got time to write anything long.

What do you think of me dawg?

LINE QUALITY!! But good at animating. WTF is Mjau?

I haven't got time to write anything long.


You're cool.

I haven't got time to write anything long.

Alright what do you think of me?

You're good at reviewing. I'm not.

I haven't got time to write anything long.

You're too popular now to reply to all those comments. :P

I knoooow :(

I'll do a quick one of you:

A bit short. Post in different threads, not just Skate Club.

Quite good. You also give too many 10s. For your review of Marcy's flash, was he behind you forcing you to write that stuff?

-News Posts-
They do exactly what they say on the tin, tell readers your news...

Good, but Garbage Whistle? :(

OMFGBESTSTUFFEVER!! <<<<<<<33333333

Lemme have it.

You have been bad at posting some times, but you're OK. Good at B/Ping.

I haven't got time to write anything long.

do me

Co-author me in the collab!

I haven't got time to write anything long.

ooooh. do me, me, me :3

You like shading. You're good at art, and animation.

I haven't got time to write anything long.

BBS: 413 (0.7 per day)
Reviews 48 total
News post count: 4 pages
States: LVL 12, Bad B/P, Normal Whis.
Submissions: BA of 3.65, 28 submissions

OK. Good work.

I haven't got time to write anything long.

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