View Profile Insanimation
Artist, animator, filmmaker..Is there anything this man can't do? Yes. Lots.

Age 30, Male



Joined on 2/27/08

Exp Points:
4,450 / 4,900
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Vote Power:
6.24 votes
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Flashback, Helpful links *as usual*

Posted by Insanimation - January 2nd, 2009

NAME CHANGE!! This account, previously fish1892, is now Insanimation, thanks to Tom. :D

'Sup NG!

This is a basic look back at the year of 2008 in terms of my Flash life, something I call "Flashback", just to be original. Also, sorry for the pun.

Well, I had yet to join Newgrounds, so, although I was doing flash, I will not chart it. :)

This was the month that I joined NG, and I submitted The Really Hard Quiz. However, it was blammed. Feeling disappointed and rejected, I decided to quit Newgrounds for a while..

I was still not doing anything on NG, so nothing to chart.

See March. Also, my birthday (13th).

In this month, I submitted the first thing that actually got through: When Good Flash Goes Bad 3, albeit with a score of something like 1.80. I can't remember the exact score, but it was something bad.

Inspired by my "success", I submitted The Really Hard Quiz 2, and, to my belief, it got through! I was on top of the world!

Feeling unbeatable, I submitted something that I had made a long time ago, Big Green Balls. I think the public connected with my attempt at seriousness-turned-accidental-humour, and gave it a score of, at a guess, 1.90.

My friend and I decided to cash in on my amazing luck, and pumped out Neon Impossible Skate Vid and its sequel, Neon Impossible: Evolution. Five flashes in one month: not too bad, by any standards..All that said, they were fairly low standards..:(

So, this was a slightly less fruitful month, where I could only manage to pump out Tankmen: Gallo Iocus and Newgrounds: A History. I liked my colons that month. However, they both achieved about 2.80, an adequate score, but I felt that Newgrounds: A History deserved a bit more. The main criticism was that the voice acting (me) was bad, so I decided to hire a new voice actor, and.........

...I submitted a new version of Newgrounds: A History. It went down very well, in my opinion. I also produced a short, humourous flash, Musical Men.

I wasn't very productive in this month, but I felt like submitting a short trailer for an upcoming movie of mine, which will be out. Sometime. But yeah, I submitted UCG Trailer.

This was the month one of my more epic projects came out: The Newgrounds Intro Collab. It went down well, and I enjoyed it. :) Driven insane by the buzz of submitting flash, I submitted Happy MD '08 on Madness Day. It got an OK score, but I don't feel it was worthy. This was also the month that I stopped voting 5 on my own submissions every day :3

Apparently nothing this month :(

Some strong submissions by me this month. 2 flashes on homelessness: -Broken- (one of my better works, IMO) and Something to Call Home. Also, I submitted another more epic, troublesome flash: The Unfinished Collab.

As a Christmas submission, I made White Christmas, and Tom co-authored me in his spam submission, The Day Keanu Stood Still.


And now to the Helpful links. Don't forget to comment!


Useful Links, Compiled by Insanimation

Assorted Links of Helpfulness:

NG FAQ If you're not sure about something, pop round here before asking questions anywhere else.
FAQ II If you haven't found what you need in the official FAQ, Newgrundling made this, which is a FAQ too..
BBS rules Read this before you post. Most of it is fairly straightforward, but some you'll need to know.
BBS Rules, a la Zerok Updated more often than the BBS rules, and is really useful.
BBS House Rules The unofficial rules of the NG forums. They aren't on the rules, but they're still important. Compiled by Rucklo.
Rage's Gift Find an abusive review or flash? Post it here! This is one of the longest running and most popular threads around..
New Collab Rules It's not linked to in the Flash forums, but these are the rules which currently apply for running collabs in the BBS..
Art forum rules Just because it's locked doesn't mean it doesn't apply...
The Sponsor Review Thread Made my knugen. Basically a review of sponsors. Just what it says on the tin. Recommended by mwmike
Review Answers Created by Malachy, this is a thread where Review Mods answer your burning questions about reviews.
NG Screenshot Archive Features pictures of NG new and old.
Ideas for NG Evolution MK3 This will probably be locked at some point, but basically, it's a thread where you suggest new features for NG.
User Pages - Ground Rules A few words by Tom on the nature of news posts.
Corky52's Guide to the BBS A short guide about how best to NOT get banned. :)
NG Rules: Clarified A list, occasionally updated by the mods, about BBS Rules.
No More Sig Threads A reminder a fairly commonly broken rule.
Blocking NG Ads Don't ever do this. Wade says so.
Guide: What is and Isn't Spam? A very helpful guide my moderator extraordinaire, Zerok. If you're not sure if your posts are considered spam, check here.
OfficialTopics A massive list, featuring loads of stuff that I don't have..

Stat-whoring: Basically, all Wi/Ht? threads featuring lists of all types, involving stats.
Level Up! Lounge The mother of all stat threads.
NG Log Ideas Since NG Log is all about stats....
Top Voting Power List
Top 2,000 Experience
B/P Ranks 51+
Top 50 Protectors
Top 50 Blammers
Top 100 Reviewers
Top 100 Audio Reviewers
Top 100 Audio Responses
Top 100 Responses
WI/HT Regulars
Wi/Ht? Memberlist

Abusive Review Blogs: There are more than you think.
Corky52's Guide to Abusive reviews
DnaDraxxus' "So, what's an abusive review?"
Malachy's "A reminder."
kidray76's "Reviews/Review Modding"

Helpful threads like these: If it ain't on here, it might be on one of these. If it ain't on one of these, it might be somewhere else. If it ain't somewhere else, it don't exist.
Ismael92's "Interesting NG Links"
sonofkirk's "Statistic Lists - Helpful threads"
mwmike's "Great Threads 9.01 + More Helpful Newgrounds Resources"

Helpful flashes: Here are some flashes that can be informative about NG life.
Abusive Review Guide by RohantheBarbarian
Abusive Review Guide 2 by RohantheBarbarian and Corky52
Being a Helpful NG'er by RohantheBarbarian and Corky52
Newgrounds Helpful Guide by Corky52, Yoshi77777 and DPlato

Helpful members/Friends List: If you want to talk to somebody privately about Newgrounds, or whatever, these guys are great..This is basically a list of WI/HT regs, they tend to be helpful...If you think you deserve a place on this, PM me. Many of these suggested by RohantheBarbarian. the top few are also friends, although in no real order..

sonofkirk What an awesome guy. I originally knew him from Rage's Gift ages ago, but the kinda forgot about him. Recently, however, we began to have a bit of correspondence again, and now talk quite regularly on AIM and NG. He helped me with my whistle.
Ismael92 Well, I used to admire Ismael (or Frank), and then, taking advantage of some thread, I sent him a PM saying how he was such a great user. He replied, and we've been in fairly regular correspondence ever since. He hates AIM's emoticons :D
mwmike Possibly, in theory, the user who I've known for the longest. He signed up 4 days before me, and we were BBS noobs at the same time, on the Flash forums. Nowadays, we hang out in Wi/Ht? (LUL) and C&C (NGPD), and talk on MSN.
RohanTheBarbarian He's Irish, like me. What's not to like?
Hacsev He's pretty helpful, and we've talked a small bit. I'm on his friends list. he helped me with my whistle.

Mods which have specialties:

absent Seems to know where every sig, image, whatever that ever existed in Newgrounds is.
Kirk-Cocaine Replies to most PMs about rules, especially collabs. The amount of collabs I've seen locked by Kirk...
Luis Seems to be most direct link to staff, other than staff themselves..
Sanjay,Dry-Ice,Tri-Nitro-Toluene and EyeLovePoozy According to mwmike, these guys are great people to contact if you spot trouble in the BBS.

=====Again, if you have something you want to contribute to this, PM me!====

Contributions from:
Hacsev (by nominating himself as a helpful user :D)


~fish1892. Or something. Probably Insanimation.


I haven't checked my experience and all that, but thanks for taking care of my account. BTW, I have read absolutely nothing of what you just wrote.

lmao, ok. No bother whatsoever.

are u god ?
if u are
ill love u

I sure am.
If he were to exist.

Cheers for linking to Great Threads. I think that the following mods should be added to the mods with specialities lists for moderators that respond well to personal messages reporting forum abuse:


If any of these four moderators are online I always report spam/forum abuse to them. I do so for every moderator, though these are my preference since, as said above, they usually respond and deal with the issue quickly and efficiently.

Ah, awesome, thanks. Will add now.

Thanks for adding me as a helpful user!

Well, you are..:)

lmao at Hacsev.

And also, I can easily imagine you as a Wi/Ht regular. Why don't help some users in the Wi/Ht ?


I do post if I ever see anything that I can answer which hasen't been already, but that is fairly rarely..

But then just go to the Where is / How to? Forum and press F5 every 15 seconds. Then you should be able to spot new threads and be helpful :)

Thanks for linking to my link news post... Or something like that. I'll include this in the "helpful blogs section".


F5ing every 15 secoinds kinda wastes my time...

Cheers :)

That's what cool people like me do. Well... I guess you're not cool enough...

:( Fine..Better go waste my life away..

*F5. F5. F5. F5. F5. F...*

You might want to update the great threads list to 9.01.

Will do :)

Thanks for updating that.

My pleasure. I guess..

yay! I'm helpful!

Lol, only because you forced me to put it there :P

Nice normal whistle :D. Congrats.

ZOMG I never noticed! Thanks! It's all thanks to you!

I feel so ignored :'(

Sorry :( Is this something involving me?

Name Change!


New nick? Cool. I'd write some more but I'm on this fucking laptop

Thanks :D I didn't really like fish1892. It was boring and not very catchy.

Your new nick is great, very catchy ;D. I also need a name change, I want Sonofkirk instead of sonofkirk lmao.

Lol, thanks. I like it all lower case :D

Yeah this new nick will be easier to remember, especially because of the number in your old one.

~fish1892. Or something."

Yeah, exactly.

What happend to your name whats with the change???

Some magical pixies came and took it away, and put this one in.

Well, I PMed Tom and he changed it, because I didn't like fish1892.

Hello, Mr. Fishy.



Anyway, hello. :)

I miss fish1892. :(

But Insanimation is kinda better...I'm gonna go grab "fish1892" as an alt.

Hello Mr. Insane.

Doesn't quite have the same ring to it, does it?

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