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Before reading your comments, I was thinking of fireworks too..If only real-life fireworks were as spectacular.

The colours, as has now become standard with your pieces, are captivating.

Again, the detail, composition, symettry, and pretty much everything else is purely amazing.

I would love to be able to say something bad about it, but words escape me. Top notch work.

Also, we need to get you scouted! The Art Portal system doesn't work :(

EchoRun responds:

Thank you. :D

After any earlier disagreement over colour, I am always very glad when you like the ones I pick. Makes me smile. ^.^


As you probably know, I often try to pick each and every problem with your art out, but, unfortunately today, I can find not one single mistake.

The colours, one of my biggest complaints in previous works of yours, is absolutely perfect.

If that's not enough, the detail is amazing, with a sort of jellyfish effect at some points adding a whole new dimension to it.

If I was forced to find a single fault, I would say that the name doesn't quite reflect the piece.."Chaotic" is often something artists put at the beginning of a title just as an excuse for their bad art.."Oh, well..it's not bad perspective, it's CHAOTIC :S" This piece needs no excuses whatsoever. I feel it's less chaotic and more majestic and exquisite..As you said, it also has a deep sea feel to it.

Please, for the sake of mankind, make it into a wallpaper (1920x1200 please :D)

[Review Request Club]

EchoRun responds:

Thank you. :)

The name got changed on other sites - Crystallised Space instead after it got pointed out that it looks like cracked ice or crystal.

And a wallpaper was made. :)

Perspective's all wrong.

Whilst each individual piece looks quite good, together, something's gone wrong.

Probably the main issue is perspective...Generally, oblique drawing (drawing a 2D shape and going back at 45°) looks pretty shabby , maybe slightly rotate the table to stop this..

The camera looks really nice, in terms of shading and structure, but it doesn't really look like it's actually on the table..I think that might purely because of the shape of the lens, actually. It doesn't quite align with the rest of the camera.

To be honest, it looks a bit like those drawings you do with MSPaint, using the square tool, and all that, but then brought up a notch with Photoshop. Unfortunately, this notch isn't quite enough.

[Review Request Club]

Fro responds:

You have a terrible time figuring out what art really means. It's a shame.

Needs more detail..

Structurally, it's fine. In a flash animation, it'd be great, but as an art piece, there's nothing special to make it stand out.

I think a few little details would have been nice..Maybe cracks in the walls, bit more texture on the door, just little things would make a big impact..

Theres a bit of texture up the top right corner which works nicely..

[Review Request Club]

Fro responds:

I like the crack/more damaged wall idea. Thanks.

Pretty good..

Profile drawings are harder than you'd think, so this is pretty good, considering...

The hair is really nice, with a tiny bit of a gradient, which works really well. The scruffy lines for the hair is great too..

I think the shading could be a bit darker in places...especially under the hair..

A few questions:
- Is he supposed to have eyes, because he hasn't got enough hair for them to be hidden underneath his hair?
- What's the white patch on his face?

I realise that it's an unfinished sketch, but were it to be finished, a background would have been a nice finish.

[Review Request Club]

Fro responds:

eyes aren't there because it's a sketch, white spot wasn't finished but it's suppose to be light


First of all, the border is uneven and pointless..It's not adding anything to the picture, so I'd just get rid of it if I were you..

Basically just looks like one of those things you do when you first get Photoshop. The lighter red lines are scruffy and uneven, but the white shape is pretty clean and nice.

[Review Request Club]

Fro responds:


Too complex.

Whilst it is fairly simple, I think there's still a bit too much detail.

The swirly red thing isn't necessary, and even if you thought it was, it would be better if it was central. The random white vignette on the edges are completely pointless too. If it my piece of art, I would just have that colourful background thing, maybe given a bit more structure with masks (as in, on Flash, not the costume kind)

The image size is a bit much too..The full size is far too big to view properly (and I have a very big screen), and the NG size is too small to see all the detail properly. Try to find a balance between the two.

[Review Request Club]

Nothing special.

Well...there really isn't much about this that makes it appealing.

Whilst art can be used to express ideas, feelings, etc., the most important thing is that it is aesthetically pleasing. This piece, to me at least, falls at the first hurdle.

I feel it is a bit too divided. It might have been nice to put a bit of red in the green areas, just to mix it up a bit.

Whilst it is abstract, I think it seems too randomly placed to look good. It just looks like you just put shapes anywhere, as opposed to choose the position and shape of them...For example, there is too much negative space in the top left corner.

As for colour, I feel that a more yellow would have been better, as this looks more like lime green than yellow.

It just doesn't do it for me, sorry.

[Review Request Club]

Artist, animator, filmmaker..Is there anything this man can't do? Yes. Lots.

Age 30, Male



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